I listen with an open
mind, heart, and spirit

While I was given a more traditional American name, I was called Hawkeye in the first seconds of my life.

I am an intuitive reader that uses visions, a sense of knowing, voices from spirit, animal symbols, and angels combined with using oracle cards to bring messages for healing, insight, and guidance. I have a knack for knowing events and situations before they happen and can give guidance to potential outcomes. My readings are grounded, easy to understand, and down-to-earth. In a reading with me, you may laugh, but you will get the guidance you need to help you find your way. I have a very open and friendly conversational style to my sessions. All of my messages come from a place of love and light. I am trained in the Q’ero Shamanic Tradition.

While my intuitive journey began when at the age of 4 when I had my first near-death experience (NDE), my education comes from the knowledge passed down from my ancestors. I come from a long line of Curanderos [kuɾanˈdeɾo], (Spanish for healers). As a child, I remember having dreams that turned out to be true. I also had two more NDEs by the time I was 15, and luckily, I haven’t had any more, since I believe we have a set number of exit points and I may have reached mine.


Fall Solstice

September 22 is the fall equinox. The time of year when there is an equal amount of day and night, the beginning fall season. The fall equinox is a time of balance and pause between the bright half of the year and the dark half. 
We enter what is called the Moon season., we spend more time in the darkness and see the moon for longer periods of time until the spring equinox which is usually around mid March. The fall equinox is a shift from the extroverted spring and summer time, where we spend more time outdoors and around more people to the more introverted time of fall and winter where we stay indoors which is a time to reflect, rest, solitude and resetting.
Traditionally, the fall equinox is the end of the harvest season, where we take stock in what we have grown and gathered and give thanks for what we have received. 
The fall equinox is the time to invite balance into your life. Balance may have to be redefined as we enter into the darker half of the year. what kept us balanced in the days of longer day light may not work now. Balance is a constantly shifting thing and our daily routines may need to shift with the transition into a new season. During this time you will notice that you are turning your attention from outdoor activities to the indoors. Your attention will be more focused on yourself, your mind, body, spirit and heart, Now is the time to take a moment to slow down and listen inwardly. Is there something your body is asking for? What is it that your heart and soul needs right now? Is your spirit asking for quiter reflection or to begin a new commitment? 
September usually brings to mind of going back to school to continue our education, whether we will be in a formal classroom or not, now is the time for learning. In many cultures the fall and winter time was and still is a time to sit around the fire and listen to the elders important lessons of life. When it’s to cold to go outside and do the many activities that you do during the spring and summer, now is the time too go inside and listen to the teachers.
The fall equinox is the time for learning and planning for the new year. what new seeds are you going to plant for the upcoming year and which ones are you not? Take this time to reflect and regroup so next years harvest will be even more bountiful.

Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is on June 20th at 4:51 PM. EDT. in the northern hemisphere and has it’s longest amount of daylight and the beginning of the summer season.

In the spring time we planted the seeds to what we want to manifest in this journey and new beginnings  We lay down the groundwork and get everything ready to start or in some cases to continue on our journey. However, in the summer time is when we must nurture what we have planted and weed out what doesn’t add value in our life anymore. 
The Summer Solstice also reminds us to turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve. If the Spring represents action, then the Summer represents patience. We must develop trust and confidence in ourselves that what we set in motion previously is correct even if we go through some troubled times. Our course is set at this point, we just need to nurture it and find purpose within its process.
Summer is a time for going outside and to raise our vibration. By going out into nature we not only raise our vibration but also the vibration of everyone and everything on the planet. By doing this we will start to heal as a collective and bring more peace and love to be shared the whole world over. It only takes 10-15 minutes a day to reap the benefits of everything that the sun has to offer and reminding us to celebrate the nourishing light of the Sun and the light within each of us. The bright half of the year is the time to commune with physical nature, the plant and animal spirits. 
Summer reminds us that there is hope in the world, that the light within can spread to the far reaches of the globe and inspire others. We can nurture others, just as the Sun nurtures us. Summer becomes a time to work on ourselves and our ability to be the light and find meaning in our journey, even when it seems uncertain. 
The Summer solstice is also aenergetically charged day and an important one to set intentions. Direct your intentions on the themes of this phase, which are patience, nourishment and trust and create powerful “I am” statements
Expressing gratitude is a good thing to do any day, but especially on a Solstice. Write gratitude statements for everything that you already possess and everything that you want. Part of the manifestation process is to actually feel gratitude for what we want before we even have it. By doing this we are telling the universe we trust that our wishes will be fulfilled and the very act will call in the energy we desire.
Practice these rituals on the morning of the Summer Solstice and feel yourself nourishing yourself and carry this feeling throughout the summer. However you choose to celebrate this day, be sure to spend some time feeling the Sun’s rays on your face and standing fully in the light as you learn to stand fully in the light of your own existence.
Here are some things you condo to mark the solstice this year:
  • Spend time in nature: go for a hike or visit a local botanical garden to enjoy the flower displays.
  • Go to the beach, which balances the elements of sun and water.
  • Have a bonfire (in a safe place) with your community or family.
  • Rest, especially in the very hot parts of the afternoon.
  • Write down your wins from this year and celebrate yourself—have a special dinner or even a party. Spending time in water, including cooling baths, sprinklers, water parks, or wherever you can access it.
  • Eat local fruits and vegetables that are ripe and in season, ideally from a farmer’s market.
Summer is the time to develop faith in our life, squash the darkness with light, and trust that just like the Sun, we will rise each day no matter what life brings us.

Interesting News

Podcast with P.E.E.P (People Experiencing Everyday Paranormal)

Hello everyone. I was recently interviewed by Nicolle Morock for her podcast P.E.E.P (People Experiencing Everyday Paranormal) I talk about my NDEs and other paranormal events that happened to me. Please give it a listen and listen to her other interviews, they are very interesting.

Episode 12: Rick Noriega – Early Childhood NDEs and Other Paranormal Experiences P.E.E.P. Podcast

Rick Noriega is a professional psychic and shamanic healer who shares some of his paranormal experiences with us. From two NDEs in childhood to seeing the spirits of the recently deceased to realizing he was a natural healer, Rick has some very interesting stories.

Get in touch with Rick for a healing or a psychic reading: https://healingbyhawkeye.com.

Theme music provided by the talented Mr. Jeremy Moss http://jeremymosscomposer.com. (Listen through the end of the podcast to hear the whole theme song.)

Connect with Nicolle at www.peeppodcast.com and https://www.facebook.com/P.E.E.P.Podcast

Support the podcast at https://www.patreon.com/nicollemorock.

Get merchandise at https://www.teepublic.com/user/peep-podcast.

Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/p-e-e-p-podcast/id1534870084#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F43906162

Latest Comments:

I have reconnected with brother Rick Noriega –  Hawkeye, today August 2020 and we both fly-like the Condor and Eagle, it was the energy of brother that awakening me to do more healings sessions in this great life opportunity, brother Hawkeye from the great north and Washington Gibaja from the Great south are always flying together to heal sisters and brothers, I do recommend him for sessions, as well you can find me for Virtual healing Session at www.oneworldconnections.org I am currently in Peru near Machupicchu. – Washington