Reading for the week of February 26, 2024

This week, you are being encouraged to meet with friends and people you trust. Start bringing those thoughts and ideas you’ve had running through your mind to life. Ask questions and have an open mind to other ideas and ways of doing things. You may have tried this venture before or tried other ways of doing things and they didn’t work out as you would have liked, but that is in the past and you are wiser now. It’s time to shed the past and what no longer serves you, so the new can come in and take its place. Take the lessons that you have learned from the past and use them as a stepping stone to go higher. You are blessed right now by the universe and the powers that be. It’s your time to start living your dream without fear. Be patient and all will happen when it is time. However, be careful that you are not distracted by shiny things and promises of great riches. Not everyone is looking out for your best interest. Use your powerful instincts to gauge if what you are being told is right for you. Take your time and be guided by your heart, and you will make out just fine.

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