Reading for the week of November 2, 2020

This week is going to be full of ups and downs, but how you take these experiences is up to you. On the one hand you can look at the “bad” things that happened in a why do things happened to me? or you can look at ti as a “good” experience and take it as a learning experience. It is best to take the bad experiences and learn from them. Someone maybe trying to bring you down and devalue you and who you are. Remember that when they say these things it is just their opinion of you and nothing more, you know who and what you are and always remember that. Have faith that everything is going as planed and it will happen when the time is right. Keep doing what you are doing and do it from a place of love and grace.

This is a general reading. If you would like a customized reading for you, please feel free to contact me to set up and appointment.

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