Reading for the week of January 15, 2024

Your story is starting to unfold. The universe has heard your prayers and is working on them, making them come to life. Just because you don’t see things happening now doesn’t mean things aren’t happening behind the scenes. Be ready to make a decision on what action to take next. If you had this dream for some time now and you feel you aren’t getting anywhere, you have to think, “do I change course and move toward something else or do I stick with this plan and see what happens.” Don’t be afraid to look closely and see why it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe there is more you need to do or you just have to be more patient? Whatever action you need to take, make a decision and act on it. The longer you wait then the better the chance that your dream will pass you by this time; and you will have to wait for it again. The choice is yours on what you want to do and which direction to go. You have more power than you think and you can make things happen, but you have to believe it will happen. 

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